When is it worth choosing a Monoblock heat pump?

Added: Monday, 6/24/2024

The monoblock heat pump from De Dietrich Modena is a very efficient but also economical device, because in one housing we have a compressor, heat exchanger and fan. Although the cost of such a pump is higher than in the case of a split heat pump , the installation is easier and the operating cost is lower. Thanks to this, you gain ecological heating, as well as cooling and heating of domestic hot water. It is worth learning more about it.

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Check out the Monoblok heat pumps at the Onninen wholesaler

The perfect solution for every application: De Dietrich heat pump

De Dietrich Modena 6 MR monoblock air heat pump It is worth knowing that the De Dietrich monoblock heat pump series is characterized by a wide power range and within single-phase or three-phase power supply. Such a heat pump will work well in any building, both residential and commercial, and what is important, it can work in cascade in larger installations.

This is an air heat pump that will meet the expectations of the most demanding users due to its simple installation and easy operation, as well as the presence of the ecological refrigerant R32, which significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and increases the efficiency of the device. It allows you to heat domestic hot water up to 65 degrees, and it also has a low ignition potential, which increases safety.

Comfort and efficient heating with the Modena heat pump functions

The De Dietrich Modena heat pump is equipped with a high-power circulation pump, as well as a flow sensor, a large-capacity expansion tank, e.g. 8 l, a safety valve, a pressure gauge and an inclined filter. The remote control panel allows programming and monitoring of individual functions or changes to the configuration and operating parameters.

Rotenso WINDMI MONOBLOCK WIM60X air heat pump The Modena heat pump has three basic functions: heating, cooling, and production of domestic hot water. Thanks to this, you can gain energy from renewable sources that provides thermal comfort and access to hot water whenever it is needed. The De Dietrich Modena heat pump manages heating and cooling using up to 32 weather curves. Importantly, the heat pump can be integrated with a solar system for efficient domestic hot water heating

The heat pump can operate in eco mode, but also in silent mode. Thanks to this, its operation does not burden the household or company budget excessively, and also does not disturb the peace of household members or employees. Importantly, when you are not in the building for a longer period of time, you can set the heat pump operating parameters to holiday mode. The Modena monoblock heat pump can work with both underfloor heating and fan coils.

One of the many benefits of choosing such a heat pump is also the possibility of using a long warranty offered by the manufacturer, which is up to 5 years. Importantly, the device can work effectively in a wide temperature range from minus 25 to 43 degrees Celsius. This guarantees comfort both during severe winters and very warm summers. The most effective operation can be ensured by integration not only with a solar system, but also a photovoltaic installation.

Modena De Dietrich heat pumps at the Onninen wholesaler

Onninen offers De Dietrich Modena monoblock heat pumps. The De Dietrich Modena 6 MR monoblock air heat pump is worth mentioning. It is a 6.35 kW model equipped with a rotary inverter compressor with a wide operating range. It is a single-phase heat pump.

Air source heat pump monoblock LG R32 - 7 kW For the more demanding, the De Dietrich Modena 10 MR monoblock heat pump may be suitable. Like the model discussed earlier, it has the highest energy class A+++ when working at a temperature of 32 degrees and A++ for heating 55 degrees. The heating power of this model is at the level of 10 kW, and the cooling power is 9.9 kW.

When the heating demand is even greater for a given building, the De Dietrych Modena 16 TR monoblock air heat pump may be a good choice. In this case, the rated heating capacity is 15.9 kW, while the rated cooling capacity is 14.2 kW. Unlike previous models, this is a heat pump for three-phase power supply. The connection voltage in this case is 400 V, not 230 V. Each heat pump has a thermal and insulated housing, which increases acoustic insulation and causes the device to generate less vibration. The devices can be integrated with the BMS system via the Modbus protocol. The remote control panel is intuitive and easy to use and is available in a set with the heat pump. This is an excellent choice for the most demanding users looking for an ecological and economical source of heating.

Check out the Monoblok heat pumps at the Onninen wholesaler