Which smart devices increase home security? Review of modern solutions

Added: Wednesday, 7/21/2021

It is no longer only owners of detached houses who decide to install a smart home system. Tenants of small apartments are also increasingly interested in it. This is hardly surprising - devices of this type significantly increase the safety and comfort of using the property, and at the same time do not require problematic installation because they are usually wireless. Which solutions are worth recommending to customers?

Which smart devices increase home security? Review of modern solutions

From this text you will learn:

  • what is a smart home system,
  • which devices increase home security and what is worth recommending to customers during construction,
  • how smart devices can affect the quality of life,
  • what products are worth investing in.

What is a smart home system?

A smart home system is an intelligent building automation network. It includes numerous devices that allow remote management of the entire building as well as individual devices. It gives users the opportunity to adjust home functions to their individual needs. Thanks to the fact that communication between devices can take place virtually without human intervention, controlling them becomes easier than ever.

Smart home is primarily associated with energy efficiency, safety and comfort. However, these areas do not exhaust its application. The system is also used to make life easier for disabled people and their carers. Intelligent technologies also warn against possible failures and protect your home against undesirable events.

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Which security sensors should you recommend to customers?

A comprehensive smart home system should include, among other things, reliable security sensors. They are used for fire, flood and anti-burglary alarms.

In smart home systems, fire protection is not only about local smoke detection and triggering an alarm signal. It also automatically notifies the user about a threat. He will immediately receive a warning via SMS or e-mail. Anti-flooding installations work similarly. In this case, you can even create a rule that, in addition to triggering an alarm and sending a notification, will also close the water supply, preventing further damage.

An interesting solution for home security is also an anti-burglary system. Of course, it performs all the traditional functions - such as triggering an alarm and calling security - but it also enables the simulation of the presence of residents. Intelligent lighting and blinds allow an empty building to appear inhabited. At certain times, lamps can turn on and off and blinds can open and close. Thanks to this, the system has a chance to confuse a potential thief and prevent a possible break-in.

Modern solutions are available in the SALUS Smart Home system. To implement such scenarios, first of all, its basics are necessary, i.e. an internet gateway and a mobile application. In addition, the user needs the following devices:

  • OneTouch rule activator (for programming individual scenarios),
  • smoke sensor,
  • flood sensor,
  • opening sensors (for windows and doors),
  • a motion sensor,
  • smart plugs and relays (for lighting control),
  • roller shutter controller.

All the above-mentioned elements of the intelligent installation can be found in the SALUS brand range, available in our online wholesaler.

Check out SALUS brand regulators

Intelligent sensors and devices that increase the comfort of life

Salus sensors

It is worth remembering that a smart home is not only about security sensors. It also includes various functions whose main role is to improve the quality of life of residents. Thanks to intelligent devices, they can remotely control their home's heating, lighting, and entertainment equipment.

One of the key elements of every smart home system is continuous monitoring of room temperature and heating control. It should be noted that this aspect affects not only the comfort of tenants, but also the energy efficiency of the building. The use of special sensors allows the installation to automatically respond to temperature changes, thanks to which the user's activity is limited to setting individual preferences at the very beginning. Later, the system takes care of itself, maintaining the set temperature or adapting it to special programs.

The remote heating control function also allows you to control the temperature in your home from anywhere in the world. The condition, of course, is access to the Internet. As a result, the user can prepare the apartment for his return from a long vacation, during which the building did not need much heat. The use of this type of systems allows us to reduce the consumption of thermal energy to a minimum, which has a positive impact on both the owners' wallets and the natural environment.

However, the use of intelligent devices goes much further than remote control of the heating installation. Smart home can even be used to fulfill ordinary whims - such as turning the light on and off using a smartphone. This can be useful both when the user does not want to get out of bed to turn off the lamps in another room, or when he has left the house and forgotten to turn on the lighting.

Another interesting solution are voice control systems. There are still more and more smart speakers on the market that can be connected to a computer, phone, TV, but also to some lamps, temperature controllers and many other devices. By using them at home, the user does not even have to reach for the smartphone to operate most devices. They respond to his voice commands. Importantly, this solution can be successfully used even in a rented apartment, because all communication is wireless, thus avoiding invasive installation.

Discover the offer of security sensors and other intelligent devices from SALUS

The previously mentioned SALUS Controls brand is a manufacturer from Hong Kong specializing in electronic control technologies. Its wide range is also available from Onninen. Among the intelligent devices for smart home systems you will find, for example:

  • security sensors - smoke, flood, motion and opening sensors, necessary for the operation of home security systems,
  • temperature controllers - allowing monitoring and precise temperature control, generating significant savings,
  • universal Internet gateway - allowing you to connect up to 100 devices that make up one comprehensive wireless system,
  • accessories - necessary to install individual functions of the SALUS Smart Home system.

How does the SALUS Smart Home system work?

How the Salus smart home system works

An increasingly common wish of people building a new house, or even just moving into a new apartment, is to install a smart home network. If your client asks you for a recommendation, you can recommend the SALUS Smart Home system with a clear conscience!

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