How to choose the right gas meter for the installation?

Added: Friday, 9/29/2023

Choosing the right type of gas meter is a key step in ensuring accurate consumption measurement. A gas meter is a device that monitors the amount of consumed gas, which allows for proper settlement of costs and control of energy consumption. There are many different types of gas meters available on the market, and choosing the right one can depend on many factors, such as the type of gas used, type of installation, measurement requirements and budget.

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Check gas meters at the Onninen installation wholesaler

What should you pay attention to when choosing a gas meter?

Gas meters are produced in various variants, the most popular of which are bellows, rotor and turbine gas meters. The first ones are the most common - especially in home installations. They work on the principle of filling two bellows with gas, which sets in motion the connecting rod of the gas flow counting mechanism. They are characterized by a simple design, low price and can be effectively protected against attempts to manipulate the readings.

Metrix bellows gas meter G4 - with pulse transmitter Rotor and turbine gas meters are types of gas meters used in industrial installations where gas flows are much higher. Rotor models use a spinning impeller to measure gas flow, while turbine gas meters use a rotating turbine. In addition, they are more technologically advanced than bellows gas meters and are used for large-scale measurements.

In addition to the design of the gas meter, its size is also important. Manufacturers provide this value using a special scale, according to which we distinguish the types of gas meters G1.6, G2, G3, G4, G6, etc. The first three types are so small that they are rarely used even in home installations. In such systems, G4 or G6 are most often used. However, much larger devices are found in industrial installations - from G10 to G65.

The classification of a given model into a specific type is determined by its flow expressed in parts of a cubic meter per second. The G4 gas meter is designed for a flow of 0.040 m3/h, G6 - 0.060 m3/h, and G10 - 0.100 m3/h. The flow characteristic of larger gas meters is calculated in a similar way.

How to read a gas meter correctly?

Reading the gas meter is usually a simple task. The most important element is the counter, which indicates the current gas consumption in cubic meters (m³). When reading the meter, only the digits before the decimal point are important. Digits after the decimal point are not included in billing.

The gas meter shows consumption in cubic meters, but gas charges are billed in kilowatt hours. To compare the meter reading with your bill, it is necessary to convert your gas consumption into kWh. It is usually provided on the invoice. If necessary, you can also use the conversion factor determining how many kWh corresponds to 1m3 of gas sold. If it is e.g. 11.17, it means that 1m3 of gas is equal to 11.17 kWh of supplied energy.

Gas meters at the Onninen wholesaler

Metrix bellows gas meter G4 - without pulse transmitter The precision of the gas meter is one of the key factors for the transparency of the recipient's settlements with the gas supplier. Therefore, before installing the device, make sure that the model is not only adapted to the specificity of the installation, but also has the required quality. At the Onninen installation wholesaler, we offer gas meters from reliable suppliers - e.g. METRIX, as well as KEN and WEBA accessories. These are models such as:

Metrix G4 bellows gas meters with a pulse transmitter are equipped with a precise measuring mechanism and an electronic measuring system that allows for accurate determination of the amount of gas flowing through them. Due to the accuracy of operation and reliability of measurements, the G4 METRIX gas meter without a pulse transmitter is often chosen by gas distribution companies.

Choosing a gas meter requires considering several aspects. The type of installation (domestic or industrial) and the forecast demand for gas are of the greatest importance. Reading the meter reading yourself will allow for more accurate settlements and control of gas consumption.

Check gas meters at the Onninen installation wholesaler