What type of heating is suitable for stadium turf?

Added: Friday, 7/7/2023

A dynamic sports spectacle requires thorough preparation in terms of competition conditions and the latest technological solutions - one of them is the heated stadium turf. In today's publication, we explain how this extremely advanced system works and why it requires the skills of real specialists. We invite you to read!

Football turf at the stadium

Check out the KAN-therm surface heating system at the Onninen wholesaler

Heated pitch - FIFA and UEFA guidelines

KAN-therm PE-RT pipe 16x2.0mm, length 600m Football is an example of a discipline covered by extremely restrictive and stringent regulations. However, the infrastructure itself intended for the mentioned sport is also subject to established standards. What?

The games taking place during the autumn season generate extremely difficult challenges. Rainfall and even frost require the use of specialized solutions that will protect players from dangerous incidents.

That's why the International Federation of Association Football and the Union of European Football Associations have developed a number of guidelines. The designed instructions present the technical requirements for turf heating systems, especially in the context of uniform heat distribution, required thermal insulation thickness, and settings for controlling thermal parameters.

But that's not all! The mentioned directives also cover aspects of reliable testing and certification of implemented turf heating systems, as well as safety and effective maintenance. This means that effectively controlling the condition of the turf requires extensive experience and expert knowledge.

What is the heated turf system?

So how does the heated turf mechanism work? The entire structure is installed under the turf surface and consists of a network of special pipes and a heating device.

Proper arrangement of the net allows for: KAN-therm plug with GZ - G1" regular distribution of hot water and, consequently, effective heating of the surface. Additionally, the structure prepared in this way is covered with thermal insulation, which prevents heat loss.

An extremely important part of the comprehensive solution is the control system itself. A special program enables continuous monitoring of current conditions and adjustment of the temperature to individual game requirements or atmospheric factors.

The overall system ensures that the grass maintains its natural condition, regardless of the prevailing circumstances. To guarantee the highest quality of play, heated turf systems must be implemented on the basis of a professional design. So, is this type of investment expensive?

How much does the investment in turf heating cost?

The answer to this question is not clear. The final cost depends on many factors, including the size of the turf itself, but also the type of system, the geographical characteristics of the location and personalized requirements.

However, there are several basic categories of expenses related to the installation of a turf heating system. The first type includes the above-mentioned outline of the entire investment, but this is only the beginning of the fees.

The next classes of financial outlays also include the remuneration of an experienced assembly team and the price of systematic maintenance. Only such a thorough investment will ensure the smooth operation of the technology for many seasons. As a result, the final cost estimate may range from several hundred thousand to even several million zlotys.

KAN-therm Football system

Pump group with thermostatic KAN-therm It is the selection of the appropriate turf heating model that largely influences the scale of the investment. The KAN-therm system represents a comprehensive set of products dedicated to surface heating and cooling installations.

Importantly, the installation of the described model is preceded by an appropriate technical analysis of the future implementation. This means that the KAN-therm system consists only of the necessary elements of the highest quality and is fully adapted to the investment. Effects?

There are many benefits of such an individual strategy. The original research and development laboratory guarantees the durability and reliability of the structure, and at the same time great flexibility of use. The dual perspective of operation, heating and cooling, allows you to increase the practicality of the used surface!

How does the KAN-therm Football system affect the implementation of the investment?

It is worth emphasizing that the use of a modern turf heating system brings benefits to athletes, but also to all entities involved in the investment. Why?

First of all, KAN-therm is a comprehensive solution. Our own laboratory base, combined with design and construction documentation, means that the involvement of additional service companies is not necessary.

The next point is the experience of specialists. The presence of experts makes the installation of the entire system extremely efficient and trouble-free, without the risk of delays.

Additionally, the decision to implement the KAN-therm system means full support at every stage of the project. This means that a team of specialists supervises the work process - from presenting the concept to supervising the final work of the assembly teams.

What is included in the KAN-therm system?

This exceptionally multi-faceted system consists of several key links that guarantee reliability. The first component are large-area collectors, and their technical parameters are adapted to the needs of a given investment.

Additional elements include plastic pipe strips and mounting pins. The double design variant allows the installation of pipes of different diameters, guaranteeing personalized adaptation of the system.

Projects using the KAN-therm Football system

A well-thought-out mode of operation makes KAN-therm InoxFlow distributor without accessories (RBB series) - 4 circuits that the KAN-therm system is used in many modern football stadiums. A perfect example is the facility of the Stomil Olsztyn and Pogoń Szczecin teams!

However, we should not forget about other users of such a modern system as KAN-therm. Apart from the sports sector, the technology is also used to effectively and quickly heat communication routes in factories and production plants, ensuring full functionality of logistics routes.

Moreover, KAN-therm is a reliable support for animal breeders and all public facilities. As a result, the extensive technical potential is appreciated by representatives of other industries.

Check out the KAN-therm surface heating system at the Onninen wholesaler