Passive fire protection systems
Fire-retardant paint PiroCoating, commercial packaging 3 kg
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9,84 zł
Pacifyre A Acrylic fire sealant 300ml
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9,84 zł
Pacifyre FPW Fire tape 9.2m, 50x2mm
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Cable junction box type: T100ED 06A
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9,84 zł
Fire collar BIS PACIFYRE P 18-20mm
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9,84 zł
Fire collar BIS PACIFYRE P 24-26mm
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9,84 zł
Fire collar BIS PACIFYRE P 30-32mm
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9,84 zł
Fire collar BIS PACIFYRE P 39-41mm
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9,84 zł
Fire collar BIS PACIFYRE P 48-50mm
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9,84 zł
BIS PACIFYRE MK II Fire collar for 54-56mm combustible pipes
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9,84 zł
Fire collar BIS PACIFYRE P 63-65mm
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9,84 zł
Fire collar BIS PACIFYRE P 75-77mm
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9,84 zł
Fire collar BIS PACIFYRE P 108-110mm
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9,84 zł
Fireproof collar Piro Collar PC L 110 with segmented housing
512,71 zł
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Fireproof collar Piro Collar PC L 200 with segmented housing
465,78 zł
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9,84 zł
Pacifyre G Graphite fire sealant 300ml
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9,84 zł
Fire-retardant paste Piro Coat I, commercial packaging 3 kg
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9,84 zł
Fire-retardant paste PiroCoat A, commercial packaging 3 kg
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9,84 zł
Fire-retardant acrylic Piro Acrylic Sealant AC120, 310ml cartridge
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9,84 zł
Fire-resistant paste Piro Coat A, 310ml cartridge
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9,84 zł
Fire-retardant Piro Foam PF240 Pistol
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9,84 zł
Flexible mortar for the ANTICOR SEAL system
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9,84 zł
ANTICOR SEAL Sealing compound, 310 ml package (tube)
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9,84 zł
BIS Pacifyre EFC Set of mounts. 18 pcs
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9,84 zł
BIS Pacifyre EFC Fire bands set
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BIS Pacifyre EFC Steel tape 3m
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9,84 zł
Identification plate for marking fire passages, material: BIS PACIFYRE MK II plastic
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9,84 zł
CarboCollar CC-25 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-32 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-40 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-48 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-55 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-68 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-82 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-90 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-110 Firestop Collar with Smooth continuous housing
CarboCollar CC-125 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-135 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-160 Firestop Collar with Smooth continuous housing
CarboCollar CC-200 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-250 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-315 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing
CarboCollar CC-400 Firestop Collar with Smooth Continuous Housing