Impulse relays
Bistable relay, 16A, 1 NO contact PB401
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9,84 zł
Bistable relay 24V AC/DC Type: PBM-01/24V
77,49 zł
Bistable relay 230V AC, Type: PBM-02
113,65 zł
Voltage free bistable relay 12-230V AC/DC Type: PBM-04/U
175,64 zł
Flush-mounted bistable relay 230V AC, Type: PBP-01
113,65 zł
Bistable relay with timer 24V AC/DC Type: PBM-03/24V
154,98 zł
Bistable relay with timer 230V AC Type: PBM-03
154,98 zł
Bistable relay 9÷30 v ac/dc 1r+1z, DIN rail mounting BIS-411-1R1Z-24V
Bistable relay 24V, 4 functions, DIN, two control circuits, BIS-419-24V
Group bistable relay 9÷30 v ac/dc, for DIN rail, with inrush relay 160a/20ms BIS-412-LED-24V
Group bistable relay with memory, for DIN rail, 24v BIS-412M-24V
Group bistable relay with memory, for DIN rail, 230v, with inrush relay 160a/20ms BIS-412M-LED
Bistable relay with memory 9÷30 v ac/dc, DIN rail mounting, BIS-411M-24V
Bistable relay PB 441 16A 1NO electronic, silent, time-delayed
Bistable relay, sequential, for DIN rail, with inrush relay 160A/20ms 24V BIS-414-LED-24V
Bistable relay, sequential, for DIN rail, with inrush relay 160A/20ms, BIS-414i
Impulse relay iTL-16-10-24 16A 1NO 24VAC/12VDC
Impulse relay iTL-16-10-48 16A 1NO 48VAC/24VDC
Impulse relay iTL-16-20-24 16A 2NO 24VAC/12VDC
Impulse relay iTL-16-20-48 16A 2NO 48VAC/24VDC
Impulse relay iTL-16-40-230 16A 4NO 230VAC/110VDC
Impulse relay iTL-32-10-230 32A 1NO 230VAC/110VDC
Pulse relay iTLI-16-11-24 16A 1NO+1NC 24VAC/12VDC
Impulse relay iTLI-16-11-230 16A 1NO+1NC 230VAC/110VDC
Impulse relay with signaling iTLs-16-1-230 16A 1NO 230VAC/110VDC
Impulse relay with central control iTLc-16-10-230 16A 1NO 230 VAC