Programmable controllers
Industrial PLC with touch panel HMI PLC 3,5":6DI,2DI/AN,4AN,6RO
Industrial PLC with touch panel HMI PLC 4,3":10DI,2DI/AN,6RO
Industrial PLC with touch panel HMI PLC 4,3":10DI,2PT/TC,10TO,2AO
Industrial PLC with 4.3 "HMI PLC touch panel: 12DI, 2AN, 4RO, 2AO, 4TO
Industrial PLC with touch panel HMI PLC 4,3":20DI/AN,2AN,8RO,4TO
Industrial PLC with touch panel HMI PLC 4,3":20DI,2DI/AN,12RO
Industrial PLC with touch panel HMI PLC 4,3":20DI,2DI/AN,16TO
Controller with LCD3,5 "SM35-J, OPLC 10DI,2UNI(PT100/TC),8TO,2AO
Controller with LCD3,5 "SM35-J, OPLC 10DI,2UNI(PT100/TC),8RO,2AO
Controller with LCD4,3 "SM43-J, OPLC 10DI,2UNI(PT100/TC),8RO,2AO
Controller with LCD4,3 "SM43-J, OPLC 10DI,2UNI(PT100/TC),8TO,2AO
Controller with LCD 7 "SM70-J, OPLC 10DI,2UNI(PT100/TC),8RO,2AO
Controller with LCD3,5 "SM35-J, OPLC, 3.5", 10DI, 2UNI, 8RO (1HS)
Controller with LCD4,3 "SM43-J, OPLC, 4.3", 10DI, 2UNI, 8RO (1HS)
Controller with LCD 7 "SM70-J, OPLC, 7", 10DI, 2UNI, 8RO (1HS)
Controller with LCD3,5 "SM35-J, OPLC, 3.5", 10DI, 2UNI, 8TO (3HS)
Controller with LCD4,3 "SM43-J, OPLC, 4.3", 10DI, 2UNI, 8TO (3HS)
Controller with LCD 7 "SM70-J, OPLC, 7", 10DI, 2UNI, 8TO (3HS)
Controller with a graphic panel 22 I (2 units), 12 O relay
PLC controller with touch panel HMI 3.5 "color without I/Os
PLC controller with HMI color touch panel 3,5":20DI/AN,2AN,8RO,4TO
HMI color PLC controller 3,5":6DI,2DI/AN,4AN,6RO/2PTO
Color HMI touch panel PLC controller 3,5":20DI,2DI/AN,16TO
Color HMI touch panel PLC controller 3,5":20DI,2DI/AN,16TO
PLC controller with touch panel HMI color 3,5:10DI,2PT/TC,10TO,2AO
PLC controller with HMI 2,4 IP66 OPLC panel: 10 I, 2 I D/AN, 12 TO
PLC controller with HMI 2,4 IP66 OPLC panel: 6 DI, 2 I D/A, 4 AI, 6 RO